Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Category theory for beginners

Category theory for beginners

Explains the basic concepts of Category Theory, useful terminology to help understand the literature, and why it's so relevant to software engineering.
Published in: Engineering


  • 1. Category Theory for beginners Melbourne Scala User Group Feb 2015 @KenScambler A B C
  • 2. Abstract maths… for us? Dizzyingly abstract branch of maths “Abstract nonsense”? Programming = maths Programming = abstraction Really useful to programming!
  • 3. The plan Basic Category Theory concepts New vocabulary (helpful for further reading) How it relates to programming Category Theory as seen by maths versus FP
  • 4. A bit of background 1940s Eilenberg, Mac Lane invent Category Theory 1958 Monads discovered by Godement In programming: 1990 Moggi, Wadler apply monads to programming 2006 “Applicative Programming with Effects” McBride & Paterson 2006 “Essence of the Iterator Pattern” Gibbons & Oliveira
  • 5. I. Categories
  • 6. Category Objects
  • 7. Category Objects Arrows or morphisms
  • 8. Category Objects Arrows Domain f dom(f)
  • 9. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain f cod(f) dom(f)
  • 10. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain dom(g) cod(g) g
  • 11. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain
  • 12. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition f
  • 13. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition f g
  • 14. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition f g g ∘ f
  • 15. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition f
  • 16. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition f h
  • 17. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition f h h ∘ f
  • 18. Category Objects Arrows Domain/Codomain Composition Identity
  • 19. Category Compose ∘ : (B  C)  (A  B)  (A  C) Identity id : A  A
  • 20. Category Laws Associative Law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) Identity Laws f ∘ id = id ∘ f = f
  • 21. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 22. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 23. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 24. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 25. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 26. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 27. Associative law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) f g h (g ∘ h) (f ∘ g)
  • 28. Identity laws f ∘ id = id ∘ f = f f id id
  • 29. Identity laws f ∘ id = id ∘ f = f f id id
  • 30. Identity laws f ∘ id = id ∘ f = f f id id
  • 31. Identity laws f ∘ id = id ∘ f = f f id id
  • 32. Examples Infinite categories Finite categories Objects can represent anything Arrows can represent anything As long as we have composition and identity!
  • 33. Sets & functions Person String Integer bestFriend length name age +1
  • 34. Sets & functions Infinite arrows from composition +1∘ length ∘ name bestFriend ∘ bestFriend bestFriend ∘ bestFriend ∘ bestFriend +1∘ age∘ bestFriend
  • 35. Sets & functions Objects Arrows Composition Identity
  • 36. Sets & functions Objects = sets (or types) Arrows = functions Composition = function composition Identity = identity function
  • 37. Zero
  • 38. One
  • 39. Two
  • 40. Three
  • 41. Class hierarchy IFruit IBanana AbstractBanana BananaImpl MockBanana Tool Spanner
  • 42. Class hierarchy Objects Arrows Composition Identity
  • 43. Class hierarchy Objects = classes Arrows = “extends” Composition = “extends” is transitive Identity = trivial
  • 44. Class hierarchy Partially ordered sets (posets) Objects = elements in the set Arrows = ordering relation ≤ Composition = ≤ is transitive Identity = trivial
  • 45. World Wide Web www.naaawcats.com No dogs allowed! www.robodogs.com See here for more robots www.coolrobots.com BUY NOW!!!!
  • 46. World Wide Web Objects = webpages Arrows = hyperlinks Composition = Links don’t compose Identity
  • 47. World Wide Web Graphs Objects = nodes Arrows = edges Composition = Edges don’t compose Identity
  • 48. “Free Category” from graphs! Objects = nodes Arrows = paths (0 to many edges) Composition = aligning paths end to end Identity = you’re already there
  • 49. Categories in code trait Category[Arrow[_,_]] { def compose[A,B,C]( c: Arrow[B,C], d: Arrow[A,B]): Arrow[A,C] def id[A]: Arrow[A,A] }
  • 50. Category of Types & Functions object FnCat extends Category[Function1] { def compose[A,B,C]( c: B => C, d: A => B): A => C = { a => c(d(a)) } def id[A]: A => A = (a => a) }
  • 51. Category of Garden Hoses sealed trait Hose[In, Out] { def leaks: Int def kinked: Boolean def >>[A](in: Hose[A, In]): Hose[A, Out] def <<[A](out: Hose[Out, A]): Hose[In, A] }
  • 52. Category of Garden Hoses [live code example]
  • 53. Categories embody the principle of strongly-typed composability
  • 54. II. Functors
  • 55. Functors Functors map between categories Objects  objects Arrows  arrows Preserves composition & identity
  • 56. Functor laws Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f) Identity Law F(idA) = idF(A)
  • 57. C F DCategory Category Functor
  • 58. C F DCategory Category Functor CatCategory of categories
  • 59. C F DCategory Category Functor CatCategory of categories Objects = categories Arrows = functors Composition = functor composition Identity = Identity functor
  • 60. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g
  • 61. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g F(A)
  • 62. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g F(A) F(B)
  • 63. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g F(A) F(B) F(C)
  • 64. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g F(A) F(B) F(C) F(f)
  • 65. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g F(A) F(B) F(C) F(f) F(g )
  • 66. C F D A B C g ∘ f f g F(A) F(B) F(C) F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f)
  • 67. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 68. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 69. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 70. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 71. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 72. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 73. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 74. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) F(g ∘ f) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 75. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f) F(g) ∘ F(f)
  • 76. g ∘ f f g F(f) F(g ) Composition Law F(g ∘ f) = F(g) ∘ F(f) F(g) ∘ F(f) F(g ∘ f)
  • 77. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A
  • 78. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A idA
  • 79. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A idA F(idA)
  • 80. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A
  • 81. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A F(A)
  • 82. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A F(A) idF(A)
  • 83. Identity law F(idA)= idF(A) A F(A) idF(A) A idA F(idA)
  • 84. Terminology homomorphism
  • 85. Terminology homomorphism Same
  • 86. Terminology homomorphism Same-shape-ism
  • 87. Terminology homomorphism “structure preserving map”
  • 88. Terminology homomorphism Functors are “category homomorphisms”
  • 89. Functors in code trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A,B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B] }
  • 90. Functors in code trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A,B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B] } Objects to objects
  • 91. Functors in code trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A,B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B] } Arrows to arrows
  • 92. Functors in code trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A,B]: (A => B) => (F[A] => F[B]) } Arrows to arrows
  • 93. Functors laws in code fa.map(f).map(g) == fa.map(g compose f)
  • 94. Functors laws in code fa.map(a => a) == fa
  • 95. Terminology endomorphism
  • 96. Terminology endomorphism Within
  • 97. Terminology endomorphism Within -shape-ism
  • 98. Terminology endomorphism “a mapping from something back to itself”
  • 99. Terminology endo “a mapping from something back to itself”
  • 100. Endofunctors In Scala, all our functors are actually endofunctors. Type F Category Category Endofunctor Type
  • 101. Endofunctors Luckily, we can represent any functor in our type system as some F[_] Type F Category Category Endofunctor Type
  • 102. List Functor sealed trait List[+A] case class Cons(head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A] case object Nil extends List[Nothing]
  • 103. List Functor sealed trait List[+A] { def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] = this match { case Cons(h,t) => Cons(f(h), t map f) case Nil => Nil } } }
  • 104. List Functor potatoList .map(mashEm) .map(boilEm) .map(stickEmInAStew)
  • 105. List Functor userList .map(_.name) .map(_.length) .map(_ + 1) .map(_.toString)
  • 106. Other functors trait Tree[A] trait Future[A] trait Process[A] trait Command[A] X => A (X, A) trait Option[A]
  • 107. Functors Fundamental concept in Category Theory Super useful Everywhere Staple of functional programming Write code that’s ignorant of unnecessary context
  • 108. III. Monoids
  • 109. Monoids Some set we’ll call M Compose • : M × M  M Identity id : M
  • 110. Monoid Laws Associative Law (f • g) • h = f • (g • h ) Identity Laws f • id = id • f = f
  • 111. Category Laws Associative Law (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h ) Identity Laws f ∘ id = id ∘ f = f
  • 112. Monoids Compose • : M × M  M Identity id : M
  • 113. Category Compose ∘ : (B  C)  (A  B)  (A  C) Identity id : A  A
  • 114. Category with 1 object Compose ∘ : (A  A)  (A  A)  (A  A) Identity id : A  A
  • 115. Category with 1 object Compose ∘ : M  M M Identity id : M
  • 116. Monoids are categories Each arrow is an element in the monoid Only one object
  • 117. Monoids are categories Objects = placeholder singleton Arrows = elements of the monoid Composition = • Identity = id Only one object Each arrow is an element in the monoid
  • 118. M H N Monoid Monoid Monoid homomorphism (SM, •M, idM) (SN, •N, idN)
  • 119. M H N Monoid Monoid Monoid homomorphism (SM, •M, idM) (SN, •N, idN) MonCategory of monoids
  • 120. M H N Monoid Monoid Monoid homomorphism (SM, •M, idM) (SN, •N, idN) MonCategory of monoids Objects = monoids Arrows = monoid homomorphisms Composition = function composition Identity = Identity function
  • 121. M H N SM SN “structure-preserving map” Set Set function h Sets Where h preserves composition & identity
  • 122. Example String length is a monoid homomorphism from (String, +, "") to (Int, +, 0)
  • 123. Preserves identity Preserves composition "".length == 0 (str1 + str2).length = str1.length + str2.length
  • 124. Monoids in code trait Monoid[M] { def compose(a: M, b: M): M def id: M }
  • 125. Monoids in code def foldMonoid[M: Monoid]( ms: Seq[M]): M = { ms.foldLeft(Monoid[M].id) (Monoid[M].compose) }
  • 126. Int / 0 / + import IntAddMonoid._ foldMonoid[Int](Seq( 1,2,3,4,5,6))  21
  • 127. Int / 1 / * import IntMultMonoid._ foldMonoid[Int](Seq( 1,2,3,4,5,6))  720
  • 128. String / "" / + foldMonoid[String](Seq( "alea", "iacta", "est"))  ”aleaiactaest"
  • 129. Endos / id / ∘ def mash: Potato => Potato def addOne: Int => Int def flipHorizontal: Shape => Shape def bestFriend: Person => Person
  • 130. A=>A / a=>a / compose foldMonoid[Int => Int](Seq( _ + 12, _ * 2, _ - 3))  (n: Int) => ((n + 12) * 2) - 3
  • 131. Are chairs monoids?
  • 132. Chair Composition = You can’t turn two chairs into one Identity =
  • 133. Chair stack
  • 134. Chair stack Composition = stack them on top Identity = no chairs
  • 135. Chair Stack is the free monoid of chairs Protip: just take 0-to-many of anything, and you get a monoid for free
  • 136. …almost Real monoids don’t topple; they keep scaling
  • 137. Monoids embody the principle of weakly-typed composability
  • 138. IV. Products & sums
  • 139. Algebraic Data Types List[A] - Cons(A, List[A]) - Nil Option[A] - Some(A) - None BusinessResult[A] - OK(A) - Error Wiggles - YellowWiggle - BlueWiggle - RedWiggle - PurpleWiggle Address(Street, Suburb, Postcode, State)
  • 140. Algebraic Data Types Cons(A × List[A]) + Nil Some(A) + None OK(A) + Error YellowWiggle + BlueWiggle + RedWiggle + PurpleWiggle Street × Suburb × Postcode × State
  • 141. Algebraic Data Types A × List[A] + 1 A + 1 A + 1 4 Street × Suburb × Postcode × State
  • 142. Algebraic Data Types A × List[A] + 1 A + 1 A + 1 4 Street × Suburb × Postcode × State isomorphic
  • 143. Terminology isomorphism
  • 144. Terminology isomorphism Equal
  • 145. Terminology isomorphism Equal-shape-ism
  • 146. Terminology isomorphism “Sorta kinda the same-ish” but I want to sound really smart - Programmers
  • 147. Terminology isomorphism “Sorta kinda the same-ish” but I want to sound really smart - Programmers
  • 148. Terminology isomorphism One-to-one mapping between two objects so you can go back-and-forth without losing information
  • 149. Isomorphism object object arrows
  • 150. Isomorphism Same as identity
  • 151. Isomorphism Same as identity
  • 152. These 4 Shapes Wiggles Set functions Set
  • 153. These 4 Shapes Wiggles
  • 154. These 4 Shapes Wiggles
  • 155. There can be lots of isos between two objects! If there’s at least one, we can say they are isomorphic or A ≅ B
  • 156. Products A × BA B first seco nd Given the product of A-and-B, we can obtain both A and B
  • 157. Sums A + BA B left right Given an A, or a B, we have the sum A-or-B
  • 158. Opposite categories C Cop A B C g ∘ f f g A B C fop ∘ gop fop gop Isomorphic!
  • 159. A B C g ∘ f f g A B C f ∘ g f g Just flip the arrows, and reverse composition!
  • 160. A A×B B A product in C is a sum in Cop A sum in C is a product in Cop A+B B A C Cop
  • 161. Sums ≅ Products!
  • 162. Terminology dual An object and its equivalent in the opposite category are to each other.
  • 163. Terminology Co-(thing) Often we call something’s dual a
  • 164. Terminology Coproducts Sums are also called
  • 165. V. Composable systems
  • 166. Growing a system Banana
  • 167. Growing a system
  • 168. Growing a system
  • 169. Growing a system Bunch
  • 170. Growing a system Bunch Bunch
  • 171. Growing a system Bunch Bunch Bunch
  • 172. Growing a system Bunch Bunch Bunch BunchManager
  • 173. Growing a system Bunch Bunch Bunch BunchManager AnyManagers
  • 174. compose
  • 175. compose
  • 176. etc…
  • 177. Using composable abstractions means your code can grow without getting more complex Categories and Monoids capture the essence of composition in software!
  • 178. Look for Monoids and Categories in your domain where you can You can even bludgeon non- composable things into free monoids and free categories
  • 179. VI. Abstraction
  • 180. Spanner
  • 181. Spanner AbstractSpanner
  • 182. Spanner AbstractSpanner AbstractToolThing
  • 183. Spanner AbstractSpanner AbstractToolThing GenerallyUsefulThing
  • 184. Spanner AbstractSpanner AbstractToolThing GenerallyUsefulThing AbstractGenerallyUsefulThingFactory
  • 185. Spanner AbstractSpanner AbstractToolThing GenerallyUsefulThing AbstractGenerallyUsefulThingFactory WhateverFactoryBuilder
  • 186. That’s not what abstraction means.
  • 187. Code shouldn’t know things that aren’t needed.
  • 188. def getNames(users: List[User]): List[Name] = { users.map(_.name) }
  • 189. def getNames(users: List[User]): List[Name] = { println(users.length) users.map(_.name) } Over time…
  • 190. def getNames(users: List[User]): List[Name] = { println(users.length) if (users.length == 1) { s”${users.head.name} the one and only" } else { users.map(_.name) } }
  • 191. “Oh, now we need the roster of names! A simple list won’t do.”
  • 192. def getRosterNames(users: Roster[User]): Roster[Name] = { users.map(_.name) }
  • 193. def getRosterNames(users: Roster[User]): Roster[Name] = { LogFactory.getLogger.info(s”When you party with ${users.rosterTitle}, you must party hard!") users.map(_.name) } Over time…
  • 194. def getRosterNames(users: Roster[User]): Roster[Name] = { LogFactory.getLogger.info(s"When you party with ${users.rosterTitle}, you must party hard!") if (users.isFull) EmptyRoster("(everyone) ") else users.map(_.name) }
  • 195. When code knows too much, soon new things will appear that actually require the other stuff.
  • 196. Coupling has increased. The mixed concerns will tangle and snarl.
  • 197. Code is rewritten each time for trivially different requirements
  • 198. def getNames[F: Functor](users: F[User]): F[Name] = { Functor[F].map(users)(_.name) } getNames(List(alice, bob, carol)) getNames(Roster(alice, bob, carol))
  • 199. Not only is the abstract code not weighed down with useless junk, it can’t be! Reusable out of the box!
  • 200. Abstraction is about hiding unnecessary information. This a good thing. We actually know more about what the code does, because we have stronger guarantees!
  • 201. We’ve seen deep underlying patterns beneath superficially different things A×B A+B
  • 202. Just about everything ended up being in a category, or being one.
  • 203. There is no better way to understand the patterns underlying software than studying Category Theory.
  • 204. Further reading Awodey, “Category Theory” Lawvere & Schanuel, “Conceptual Mathematics: an introduction to categories” Jeremy Kun, “Math ∩ Programming” at http://jeremykun.com/ Gabriel Gonzalez “Haskell for all” http://www.haskellforall.com/2012/08/the-category-design- pattern.html http://www.haskellforall.com/2014/04/scalable-program- architectures.html