Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day - 3 Major Effects of Global Warming and What You can Do About It

Earth Day - 3 Major Effects of Global Warming and What You can Do About It

Global warming isn’t just a scientific buzzword or problem that should merely be discussed by heads of states or corporations around the world. It’s an alarming environmental issue that affects each and every one of us and unless we do something about it, this serious phenomenon will continue to impact us even on a personal level and generations after.
Published in: Environment


  • 1. 22 APRIL EARTH DAY 3 Major Effects of Global Warming & What You Can Do About It Powerpolnt Presentation By
  • 2. Global Warming & Climate Change wzIm{iI1g M Pans us IIEINIKE hauls 'wwr. '. VII r‘-wirirunt wépl ma y ‘* ax‘! There is nothing conservative about Ignoring those on the Right, hovmver admirable their scientific consensus — ‘ B? says 002 emissions Imsustainzxble. wams on global I warming . L . - "in ‘ J In its Enagy Oullnolt 2035 BP predict: Ihlt CO2 emllsloos will £X£&fl Iwnls which scienfists says pose a Ihtfial In climate change unlss coordinated ' _ tion Is taken ms mm glolni mm»; A: camm change. including mammary and azchini uncle pul-iislzed ‘III The . 'ew York Times. l ‘ I ~ ' ‘ "4. . ._. ... . V, ‘ A F‘ , , - . 1 ‘ , ., __-“H A. )/hag. 1 v r. .. I. . Aramarkablo h. =-atwave «amt I T‘ * l ‘y I V Anrarcxica s northernmost I v , per. insui. : xu slightly snow 63 degrees Fnluenr . ‘ CEISIUSI ML: weeks ago — . ; re: ,-3 ' ~ _ I‘. Ig'I far the normally (old In Its Energy Otfllmk ms an pveticts that coz emissions will exceed levels ‘°"""°"‘ which sclsntists says pose a threat to climate change unless cootdinaled "'5" action is Taken Gut 6812 I I El): -.’. <cuflorI: Eimns Global warming deal lies in Delhi not Paris as debate heats —. GI°I”I WarmI“5 8‘ Climate Change up Deal as name emissions and limtt 5,lnbnI warnxing depend: on dzvelnpingwuxtd and . : '- ~ bi-dues» not wesiem ncsdexnjcs ‘ '2 (17.3 dcgr: T, ,.Irs far past lime that Xews about glut: commrnlzry m4 . slapped igrlofing the _>« ake up — climate charnge isge ‘band “A Lei 21 xm mm glnhai wxfinmg G Gimp? ‘ F5 tvnunenraw and a. 'rIi'-II mam ml. .. ,2
  • 3. It affects each and every one of us . ..and generations after 21S| ides
  • 4. t wn of the 20th century, we are seeing global warming’s disastrous consequences more severe weather conditions threat of wildlife extinction Slides
  • 5. ilii By the end of the century, about 150,000 people will have died from global warming*
  • 6. major effects of global 3 warming and how we can help and By the year 2100, the average global temperature is expected to be 5.8°C higher 37 billion _ The levels of CO2 metric tons of in our atmosphere (:02 have increased up to 34% since released the 1700 industrial annually revolution. ?4S| ides
  • 7. (7, (_. By the year 2lOO, the average global temperature is expected to be 5.8° C higher Boost energy efficiency - Using technologies that consume less energy Click here to get energy- saving tips : Employ more earth-friendly alternatives ENEREVH ( . ' C. l:>‘l VA‘/ E? _r It )9’ (C ‘. ’A‘. ’flH: .Y. l' Go green on transportation - Reduce carbon emission - Use low—carbon fuel. Pg-. lc‘ >1 - Ride a bike, walk or commute to Calculate your carbon emission . §2{, ‘:; ’.{'. ." here : ‘ , ‘ Cut down on long distance air travel
  • 8. major effects of global ’ warming and how we can help The intensity and frequency of deadly hurricanes and tropical storms have doubled since the last 40 years. Sea levels have been found to increase by 10 to 20 centimeters in the past century. Because of the huge irregularity in the near surface temperature of the earth, polar glaciers are continuously melting and sea levels rising. Slides
  • 9. The intensity and frequency of deadly hurricanes and tropical storms have C‘1V; "$E doubled since the last 40 years. Do, 0 Prepare for the impacts The effects of extreme weather conditions are now at hand such as severe heat waves, flooding and growing wildfire risks. Arm yourself with the right resources and skills Help others as well by training or instructing them for these situations. Read More >
  • 10. . 1.; major effects of global 5 warming and how we can help Over 1 million species are now facing extinction due to global warming. By 2050, 15-37% of our plant and animal species could be wiped out. due to the destruction of habitats and ecosystems brought about by high temperatures and melting polar caps. “islides
  • 11. Over 1 million species are now facing extinction WH, U. due to global warming. By 2050, 15-37% of our (. 'M, |"w= . plant and animal species could be wiped out. " f, ,_, ¢.i fl Plant trees that absorb more of the CO2. Deforestation currently accounts for 10% of the world’s heat trapping emissions. Restore the Canopy: Help us plant 10 million trees in impoverished areas. Forests and trees ay an important role in Elle. /lallng povenir helping rural people amid poverty arid helping mo al are poor mriigaie their piigrii Earth Dzi elwork has committed io rzi r $10 million over me years to plant 10 nriiiiou lrees iri Impov ri ed areas around iiie world i need your help io make me inillali/2 possrorel For every 51 you contnbute ive‘| I plzril one iree l Laanunnnxolla-rulbxoxaii Imsupltqjler-ii > Paper recycling helps reduce the demand for tree cutting. Elnwx ‘uiarirbl-Malt: -=iI=1|v1I‘nll-ui ‘Jl > Stop buying or supporting those selling endangered animals. The animals face extinction faster if they aren’t allowed to mingle in their natural habitat and reproduce.
  • 12. Just by doing some of the actions, you can contribute reducing gas emissions by at least 80% by mid-century. Slides
  • 13. with these personal lifestyle changes, you can now make your own mark on reducing the Earth's carbon footprint. ?1S| ides
  • 14. 22 APRIL ACTNOWl 7qSlides
  • 15. Sources: http: //—alarming—global—warming—statistics/ http: //www. climatehotmap. org/ g|obal—warming—solutions/ http: //www. ucsusa. org/ global warming/ solutions http: //www. scientificamerican. com/ iO—solutions—for—climate—change/ ?4S| ides
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