Thursday, April 23, 2015

Google Self-Driving Car: A Long And Winding Road to Success

Google Self-Driving Car: A Long And Winding Road to Success

Google unveiled a brand new self-driving car prototype; the first company to build a car with no a steering wheel, accelerator or brake pedal.
Published in: Automotive


  • 1. Se| f—Driving Car: A Long and Winding Road to Success
  • 2. Google unveiled a brand new se| f—driving car prototype,
  • 3. the first company to build a car with no a steering wheel, accelerator or brake pedal. ..
  • 4. The car's arrival marks the next stage in Google’s self—driving car project, which was born from the Darpa Grand Challenges for robotic vehicles in the early 2000s. Google kickstarted its own se| f—driving car project in 2008, and it has been rumbling on ever since,
  • 5. It is the first truly driverless electric car prototype built by Google to test the next stage of its five-year—old se| f—driving car project. It is the first real physical incarnation of Google’s vision of what a se| f—driving car ofthe near future could be.